Monday, February 17, 2020

Paraphrase the answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Paraphrase the answers - Essay Example The project’s compatibility with various platforms is taken into consideration in this phase. This focuses on all the financial aspects of the project. Operational and development expenditures are assessed in order to establish the feasibility of the project and to ensure that everything runs according to the budget as well as cost competitors. The time available for project completion and project delivery are of primary concern. The analysis of time frame and project delivery is done in accordance with the project’s timeline and development time. The purpose of this project is to provide the users with various online services. The investigation was mainly conducted by the project manager with the assistance of other people. The aim of the project is to aide patients in choosing their preferred doctors as well as initiate and get appointments online. This system executes various activities of patients and also protects how doctors work. The system permits patients or users to easily identify doctors’ schedule, which helps them to settle for suitable appointment dates with the doctors. After a patient or user gets an appointment, the system then generates a tracking key that can be used in the future. The patient also gets a nod from the system upon getting an appointment. Doctors and other medical staff also have the chance to access the schedules and alter them as they deem fit. The project’s scope is to define various dimensions of the project requirements. It assess if all the project requirements have been met and explains how the system intends to operate and its security features. The login areas for doctors and patients are separate. After intensive review, my conclusion is that the system works in accordance with the users’ requirements and the entire system operations remain within the project scope. The total estimated project cost is $3500, which incorporates

Monday, February 3, 2020

Nietzsche's theory of nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nietzsche's theory of nature - Essay Example On the other hand what does human being do? in his opinion humans try to run nature the way they think best. As man is the ultimate being and creation of God thus he wants to use this power and modify the things going on around him. Isn’t living life close to respecting, desiring, being unfair, to be restricted, near to the attempt of being different, he says.   Furthermore the idea that humans are aggressive by nature the statement as living according to nature in actuality will mean living in accordance to life, so how can one do anything that is otherwise or different. He attempts to further shed light on this natural yet so indifferent methods of humans by suggesting that there is no need for people to make principles based upon what they are themselves and should be. It can be quite the opposite he says as one might imagine to go through the ecstasy of reading the rule of one’s own principles in Nature it is understandable that they would be looking for an altoge ther different thing. He calls people â€Å"you extraordinary stage-players and self-deluders!† (9; †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦) So much is the negativity he holds against the way human beings function. It is to him a shocking reality that things could be so deceiving and yet people try to justify themselves by saying it is what nature has taught them. Man is a proud being and undoubtedly in their pride they â€Å"wish to dictate your morals and ideals to Nature, to Nature herself, and to incorporate them therein.† (9; †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦)